Kids Caterpillar Coloring Printables

These caterpillar coloring printables are not only cute little caterpillars but some adorable worms - bookworms that is. These adorable little crawling creatures are so cute and fun to color. Find some green crayons (or your favorite color) and let's have some fun.
The caterpillar and worm pictures on this page are a small thumbnail preview of the larger picture. These are a lower quality view in order to load this page faster. The printable you will receive is a larger and better quality for printing.
Just scroll down the page and find the caterpillar or worm you want to color. Then click on the thumbnail picture to open the larger picture in a new window/tab. Use your browser's print functions to print off the page.
When you are done, just close the new window/tab to return to this page so you can print even more kids coloring pages.
Caterpillar Coloring Printables
There are just a handful of these cute creatures but I'm sure you will find one you love. Our favorite is the caterpillar riding on the snow board - too cute!
Caterpillar Facts
A caterpillar is a young butterfly. Once these critters hatch from the egg they begin to eat and grow. Then when they are ready, they become a pupa which is the stage just before they become a butterfly. The pupa attaches to a twig and remains still until they are ready to emerge as a beautiful butterfly or moth.
In addition to these
caterpillar coloring printables try coloring this one online.
Worms Coloring Pages
In addition to the crawling caterpillars coloring pages we also have some worms for you to color. Just pick the one you want to pring and color. These worms are not scary at all. In face, most of these are adorable little book worms.
Check out this adorable
bookworm you can color online.
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